Category: Motivation
Everything is awesome!
It’s serendipitous that my operation was when it was so that my recovery was during the last two months of a really crappy year. I’m one of those people that likes thinking of new years as new beginnings in a way, and this year is just so much more than that. Because my recovery has…
Welcome 2018! (Also, 9 weeks post op!)
I think I can safely say all my goals for 2017 went straight out the window the moment I was diagnosed with cancer. That I finished the year cancer free and feeling better than I have in years is more than a great ending to a really crappy year. So what do I want to…
A New Year!
That’s going to be my 2017 in a nutshell. I’m taking it a little bit at a time to manage my goals. I’ve mapped out January and February in terms of exercise: Insanity Max:30 (thanks to Hubby for the Christmas gift!) should take care of most of my exercise (and help me get into my…
The Day in Pictures
I’m thankful that I have some pretty amazing bosses and I have the flexibility to not only work 10-6 instead of 9-5 but that since the house move and my commute being tripled, I’m able to work from home one day a week. Usually I’m home on Tuesdays, unless I need to be home another…
Error: Motivation not found
Moving is stressful, I know this. I didn’t expect this time to be quite as stressful as it has been, though. It’s been almost as bad as my move from the US to the UK. The differences are marginal at best. The last one, into our rental, was easy peasy. I guess I expected the…
March Motivation
I’m not gonna lie, it’s been a long 12 months. I’ve realised it’s been a year since we found a new house to buy and put our old one on the market. We never anticipated it would take this long! Builders do lie to make the sales, that’s a given. But it’s okay, we are almost home. In the…
Just because I am not celebrating Thanksgiving this week doesn’t mean I am not thankful. I will admit, I wish I was in Virginia celebrating it this year, partly because they are getting snow and man, I miss me a good snow storm. But I digress. I believe that everyone, everywhere has something to be thankful…
All Our Lives
I thought “If I could tell her something I would tell her this There’s only two mistakes that I have made It’s running from the people who could love me best And trying to fix a world that I can’t change.” – All Our Lives by Andrew McMahon I’m not entirely sure what I should…