That’s going to be my 2017 in a nutshell.
I’m taking it a little bit at a time to manage my goals. I’ve mapped out January and February in terms of exercise:
- Insanity Max:30 (thanks to Hubby for the Christmas gift!) should take care of most of my exercise (and help me get into my dress for an awards dinner at work)
- Yoga 3 x a week (I subscribed to Yogaia for the year, best make use of it!)
- Walking 3 x a week to start training for Slieve Donard in March
I’ll be mostly following the nutrition plan for Insanity Max:30, which uses the 21 Day Fix containers. I’m sure my body will thank me profusely after all of the Christmas indulgence!
I’m planning to start running again in March, probably after Slieve Donard, and will decide on races then to keep me motivated! I may do both a 5k and a 10k, but I’ll be happy with doing just one this year if that’s all I can manage.
Health-wise I need to start managing my PCOS as best I can. I have books arriving tomorrow to read up on what I can do in the meantime while I wait for my appointment to come through from the fertility clinic.
Personally my goals are a little more erratic:
- Learn to play my ukulele (thanks again to Hubby, proving he does listen sometimes!)
- Crochet and make something pretty
- Write more!
- Be kind (this is something I always need to work on)
- Focus on the bigger picture and fill it with more happiness
And the obvious goal of hoping to get pregnant and the subsequent lifestyle changes that come with it!
If 2016 has taught me anything it’s life is too short. Focus on the things that matter to you and make you happy. My work/life balance is pretty good, but could be better. In the long run no one ever says they wish they worked more, right?
My goals this year are more about creating a happy & healthy life for myself that I can look back on and be proud knowing I did all I could to make it the best it could be for me. No one else is going to do that for me!
Here’s hoping 2017 brings you health, happiness, love, and kindness. 🙂