Category: Fitness
2021 in a nutshell: Reaching goals then (sugar) crashing
Time flies when you’re having fun, or when you get older, or just in general really. It’s time for another year in review already and I’m incredulous, just like I am every year. So, last year I did a review of 2020 and stated I was only going to make goals for 2021 that I…
Everything is awesome!
It’s serendipitous that my operation was when it was so that my recovery was during the last two months of a really crappy year. I’m one of those people that likes thinking of new years as new beginnings in a way, and this year is just so much more than that. Because my recovery has…
Welcome 2018! (Also, 9 weeks post op!)
I think I can safely say all my goals for 2017 went straight out the window the moment I was diagnosed with cancer. That I finished the year cancer free and feeling better than I have in years is more than a great ending to a really crappy year. So what do I want to…
A New Year!
That’s going to be my 2017 in a nutshell. I’m taking it a little bit at a time to manage my goals. I’ve mapped out January and February in terms of exercise: Insanity Max:30 (thanks to Hubby for the Christmas gift!) should take care of most of my exercise (and help me get into my…
Put Some New Shoes On
I got my new running shoes today! Yay! Now I’m excited about running (I’m sure that won’t last at ALL) but disappointed as I won’t be able to do it tonight. I’m getting my hair done tonight and it’s in dire need of being done, so I’ll have to wait until tomorrow. 🙁
Things have been little more than hectic lately. My husband’s dad’s mum passed away right before we went on holiday for a week. We went to Manchester, saw the Foos, did a bit of shopping. I (finally) got my citizenship application sorted and sent (and has now been paid for and I received the acknowledgement…