This has been an absolute shit storm of a year.
Thankfully the end is in sight! I’m not sure how much better 2017 is looking if I’m totally honest. But there’s at least a 50/50 chance it’s better than this year has been. It could, of course, get worse. (President Trump? Brexit? Sigh.)
Either way there is, for me anyway, a lot to be thankful for this year. I’m feeling a lot better than I was at the start of 2016. I have my mum and sister over from the US right now and have gotten to spend some time with them over Christmas. We have a warm home that, while it may not be in ideal condition right this moment, is lovely, and we want for nothing.
I have had the luxury (and yes, for some it is considered a luxury) of free healthcare on the NHS to get a diagnosis of Poly-Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and will be getting treatment to help me hopefully (and finally) conceive in 2017. We’ve been trying for 2 years and it’s not something I’ve talked openly about because it’s difficult being surrounded by people having babies when you’re not able to. But, like with mental illness, it’s something that shouldn’t be avoided just because of other people so I may talk about it more as I get treatment for everything I need to get sorted.
I’m glad this year is almost over! I’m looking forward to 2017 and have a few thoughts whirling around my head for things I’d like to do next year. I didn’t really think about 2016 in term of goals – I was more concerned with feeling better and sorted out the anaemia than anything else (and rightly so) that I didn’t really think about it.
For now, I’m going to enjoy the last few days of the year with friends and family and see what 2017 brings!
Stay tuned…