Tag: health
2021 in a nutshell: Reaching goals then (sugar) crashing
Time flies when you’re having fun, or when you get older, or just in general really. It’s time for another year in review already and I’m incredulous, just like I am every year. So, last year I did a review of 2020 and stated I was only going to make goals for 2021 that I…
Everything is awesome!
It’s serendipitous that my operation was when it was so that my recovery was during the last two months of a really crappy year. I’m one of those people that likes thinking of new years as new beginnings in a way, and this year is just so much more than that. Because my recovery has…
Who knew I could ever be so tired?
It’s no secret I like my sleep. Ever since I was younger I’ve been quite happy to sleep the day away, even on Christmas! One year my best friend had to wake me up at noon on Christmas because I was still in bed! 🙂 As a girl who’s bestie literally is her bed quite…
I feel the good times coming
Hey lovelies! It’s been a while and I’m sorry! But I’m here to give a quick update. I’m feeling a lot better. I have been on my second round of iron tablets and they’ve done the trick! I’m almost done with them and then back to see the doc, but all should be okay then.…
Sitting, Waiting, Wishing
My last update was a bit dreary wasn’t it? It feels like forever ago! I’m glad to say I’m feeling somewhat better now. I had some advice from my cousin after my last post; she recommended B12 so I started taking a time release tablet and it made a massive difference! (Thanks cuz!) I’m going…
Self Care: Be good to yourself.
Everyone needs to take care of themselves. Some people may find it more difficult than others, some may not do it at all, and others, like me, learn the importance of it through their experiences. When I was younger and living on my own I used retail therapy as a form of self care. Buying…
Error: Motivation not found
Moving is stressful, I know this. I didn’t expect this time to be quite as stressful as it has been, though. It’s been almost as bad as my move from the US to the UK. The differences are marginal at best. The last one, into our rental, was easy peasy. I guess I expected the…
Feelin’ Good: Brief summary of week 1…
My new schedule has gone really well this week. I find it much easier to wake up at 5.30am than later, probably due to my sleep cycles, but it’s not been a problem. I got out of bed between 5.30 and 5.45 every morning this week! My routine consists of: Downing some .50 calibre Grenade…
Be selfish
Firstly, I’m a massive fan of Shaun T. His workouts are amazing but what I really love about him is his positive, inspiring outlook. It’s such a nice change to see such powerful and positive messages being shared. And his last one is about being selfish. When he says this he means be selfish by…