Tag: goals

  • Success!

    After we arrived home yesterday Hubby and I pretty much collapsed. I had to have a nap because I couldn’t last until 6pm after being awake since 6am (11am UK time) Monday morning. We ended up ordering Chinese simply because we couldn’t have worked the oven or stove even if we had wanted to. Oh,…

  • What Will You Make 2010?

    We are still in the US, currently in Maine with my dad and family. Last night we rang in 2010 at our hotel’s New Year party. It was a blast and I’m really glad we came up to see everyone for it. We are currently in the middle of a snow storm, but our area…

  • Holiday ETA: 26 Days

    Not long now before we head back to the States. I’m getting more excited as it gets closer but still feel overwhelmed by everything that should happen between now and then. At least I can now update my list from before: I will get up at 6am on weekdays. (Started doing this this week!) I…

  • Statements of Aspiration.

    Between now and the end of the year there is a lot to do. So I’m making a list of things that I will do, ensuring I can accomplish everything I want to and be happy in the knowledge that I’ve done what I set out to do! I will get up at 6am on…

  • A New Challenge

    OK. As I mentioned yesterday I made a decision. I decided I was going to enter a race for next year. I started searching for a suitable race to enter, a 10k most likely. Then I found the Bath Half Marathon. Then I decided I would run it. It takes place on Sunday March 7,…

  • Randoms from 2001

    I was cleaning out the spare bedroom today and found a shoe box full of all my old journals with loads of poetry and random thoughts from high school, college and beyond. It’s all very interesting to me! One thing I found that I thought was good to share was the list of “Things I…

  • GOYAAM Plan for September

    On SparkPeople I’m a member of a team called Get Off Your *Ahem* And Move (GOYAAM) which is the best team I’ve been a member of, ever. One of the regular activities we do is set a monthly GOYAAM plan, goals we want to achieve during the month, our workout plan, etc. Since I couldn’t…

  • OH. MY. GOD!

    I’ve been really obsessed this past week, on the one hand I had my weigh in Thursday night and on the other next week I have to start running for 5 minutes at a go! With the former over and done with the latter took over and I am so determined to not let my…

  • Goals for 2009

    Today I’m thinking about what I want to accomplish this year. I have a lot of very specific things I want to do but I’m not sure how to set a timeline to measure my progress so, I guess that will come later! Simplify my life. I’ve bought a little weekly calendar to keep in…