Today I’m thinking about what I want to accomplish this year. I have a lot of very specific things I want to do but I’m not sure how to set a timeline to measure my progress so, I guess that will come later!
Simplify my life. I’ve bought a little weekly calendar to keep in my handbag. I am going to use it for appointments, dates, holidays and birthdays – everything. Maybe this way we won’t forget half the family birthdays!
This will be a daily thing, hopefully one I can keep up with!
Organise our belongings. This is where I stop completely ignoring my flylady emails and get on with sifting through all our crap. Both of us have so much stuff and our house isn’t big enough for it all! I will work through one room at a time, going through everything and deciding what to do with it. Bin it, keep it (and put it away somewhere where it is not classed as clutter or just stashed in the garage!) or give it away are the only options here.
I think one room a month is a reasonable goal. If the room has a lot of stuff it might be two months!
Digitize my music. I have probably close to 350 CDs. Only a fraction of them are in MP3 format. This year I’m going to get them all done.
Exercise. I will do a work out DVD at least three times a week. When I have the treadmill I will walk every day for at least thirty minutes and start a jogging program, doing that three times a week.
This goal will not be difficult to keep. I’ve been exercising this regularly for the past four months so this is really just to continue on that path, so I keep losing weight to reach my goal.
Paint. I want to finish painting the hallway in January. I want to finish the front room in February. Then I want to start the kitchen and once the kitchen is done, our bedroom. I want all those rooms done this year. If I finish them all, I’ll start on the second bedroom, but that’s a very low priority.
Have more sex. That one is pretty self-explanatory. 😉