I’m currently sitting at my desk in my office where there are six, yes that’s right – six, people upstairs. The only phones that have rung have been the IT helpdesk and only from the same two people from what I can tell (and both staff). I am being mostly good and trying to do some work at least. It’s very hard to concentrate when there is so little going on, though.
I did book my next doctor appointment this morning! The last appointment I had I didn’t get to see my doctor – she was out sick – so I saw another one for my weigh in. He marvelled at my progress so far (I saw him once before so he knew how far I’d come) and said to come back in 6 weeks for my normal doctor. I’m seeing her on the 29th, which will be a whole six weeks since my last one. This is the longest I’ll have gone! Normally she gives me a goal to work towards, what she expects I should lose in the time frame given, but he didn’t do that. With her normal expectations I think 3kg will be a good loss (although I’d like to lose more than that before then).
Sparkpeople.com is hosting a New You Bootcamp Challenge starting Sunday the 4th and it lasts for 4 weeks. I’m committing myself to doing the program, which consists of doing a video from their site every day plus extra minutes on your own some days and a few challenges along the way. I’m looking forward to it, I hope to see excellent results this month. The GAME New Year Party is on the 30th and my very optimistic goal is to be 15 stone then. The 29th of December I was 15st 7lbs, so only 7lbs to lose. (Although I’m not sure this last week has done me any favours.)
Tomorrow Hubby and I are going to purchase a treadmill. We’ve decided on the one we are buying and where to put it. Thankfully I waited and it’s on sale, over half price off! The only downside is I’ll have to wait up to 2-3 weeks for delivery and I’m not a very patient person.
Oh! and also, I’ve started a Project 365. I’m just really slow uploading the photos, lol. Hopefully tonight.