• Bleh

    I have been ill the past few days with a stomach virus or some crap. I never, ever got these things in the US, but since I’ve been in the UK I’ve had at least 3! It is NOT fun. On a much happier note, I finally – YIPEE – got my provisional driving licence…

  • Cars, Licences and Why I Married My Husband

    My last post was pretty indicative of my mood throughout the whole weekend. A few incidents didn’t help to make it any better… I realized on Friday that my registration and car handbooks, etc (basically all the important stuff!) wasn’t in my car. I’m sure the people at the garage just didn’t put it back…

  • Missing

    I have been in a weird mood today (and by today I mean Friday, even though it’s now early Saturday). I was a bit snappy at work all day due to stress and not sleeping well last night. My workload is insane at the moment and I desperately need a raise, but never having needed…

  • Gah!

    My computer broke last night. 🙁 Just turned itself off. It was able to boot, only into safe mode mind, last night, but has since turned itself off completely and won’t boot at all! I was able to back up the most important bits before then thankfully, but grr! at having no computer 🙁 I…

  • Migraines hurt.

    I had a major mood deviation yesteday. It was brought on by work-related gossip and a migraine. I kept thinking about children – wanting them, or not as it currently stands, and my tendency for all things depressive. I realized that if I were to have a child, I would most certainly regress some and…

  • Lent anyone?

    I did workout Monday night. I did a DVD I haven’t done in nearly a year and am missing the first DVD to so only have the last bit that is the most intense, but I did most of it! I had to skip the resistance bands because I can’t find mine and I skipped…

  • Arf Poing Whoop Moo Huh?

    I am incredibly unable to concentrate. I didn’t sleep well last night because I slept too late (1PM!) yesterday. The inability to concentrate is probably a good thing for today as I’ve been hugely busy with odds & ends and various phone calls throughout the day instead of doing my project work, which requires immense…

  • Good Advice

    1. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully. 2. Marry a man or woman you love to talk to . As you get older, their conversational skills will be as important as any other. 3. Don’t believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you want. 4. When you…

  • Snow!

    We have had snow the past two days! A couple of inches yesterday which melted away by the afternoon and a dusting this morning which turned into rain and is now a muddy slush. Ah well, it was pretty yesterday! I’ve been reminiscing a lot lately. Most about things I used to do, things I…