• Not so ill anymore!

    Antibiotics, this time, are a good thing! They have actually helped me. I feel great now, which is a nice change, considering I’ve been ill for the past 3-4 weeks! 30 days until my driving test. Eek! I had my first lesson, the “assessment” lesson, on Saturday to see what I need to work on…

  • Boo.

    I am ill AGAIN! I just want to scream at everyone, but I can’t because my throat hurts. I’m going back to bed. 🙁

  • Hello, sunshine!

    So the rain has finally stopped (for the time being anyway) and it’s blue skies again. Which means lots of BBQs! It also means being hot and sweaty by the time I get home from all the walking. Poo. 42 days until my driving test (which I WILL pass!) This weekend is a bank holiday…

  • Gilmore Girls 🙁

    I’ve just watched the last ever episode of GG. Given that only a few weeks ago it was announced they wouldn’t be returning (which I’m livid over! I need time to get used to a world without new GG!) I think it ended nicely and that is saying something as I definitely didn’t want it…

  • Grrr!

    I am ill, AGAIN! Sore throat started yesterday and felt awful all day at work. Throat got much, much worse overnight and here I am. At home. Pfft. So I’ve watched EM:HE, United 93 and am now watching an old ep of Grey’s Anatomy. Need more tea, throat is hurting again. 🙁 I just want…

  • What the?

    I realize that I’m in England and it’s known for the windy, wet, cold weather. But.. not in MAY! I swear it’s doing it just because I’m walking. Stupid weather! Anyway. I got a lot done over the weekend, but not as much as I wanted. I didn’t write letters or study and so this…

  • Turning Japanese

    So I finally fixed the comment spamming with image recognition! It is working (for now, knock on wood) and my poor little website is now spam free! Things are OK at the moment. The house is an awful mess which I really need to work on, there is toast on my bedside table from March…

  • The Atlantic!

    Hubby and I have been on holiday all this week. It’s been great (other than I have had to work each night, but never longer than 10 minutes, so I’m not too fussed about it and I did offer!) but I nagged a bit as we were going to go away somewhere initially. At first…

  • Ever have one of those days….

    when you just want to scream, cry and hurt someone really, really badly all at the same time? I’m having one today.