I have been ill the past few days with a stomach virus or some crap. I never, ever got these things in the US, but since I’ve been in the UK I’ve had at least 3! It is NOT fun.
On a much happier note, I finally – YIPEE – got my provisional driving licence (they spell everything weird here!) in the post today. Now I just have to sort out new car insurance, theory test, lessons and finally the practical test. Hubby keeps saying by the end of May to which I laugh and laugh. I think the end of summer is a bit more realistic (if not generous, but I’d rather be generous than stingy!).
This year will be another expensive and stressful year, on top of all this driving insanity I have to take the citizenship exam before September when my visa runs out! The UK have recently (this month) changed the law so I will have to take the citizenship exam to get an unlimited leave to remain visa (which is the one I will be applying for this year). They are also thinking of putting up the prices from 300ish to 750 GBP! I can’t afford to replace the cam belt in my car let alone this on top of everything else. Oof.