Category: Weight Loss
Insanity Results
I have now officially completed Insanity! 2 months of hellish workouts and pushing myself like never before is now over (for now anyway…). This whole programme is amazeballs and Shaun T is one of the best motivators I’ve experienced. He is what made the workouts for me, I don’t think I would have stuck with…
Insanity Fit Test 4
I realised I didn’t post my last Fit Test results when I did it on the 13th! So here they are: Move Fit Test 1 Fit Test 2 Fit Test 3 Fit Test 4 Switch Kicks 86 88 82 76 Power Jacks 34 34 40 49 Power Knees 80 101 110 116 Power Jumps 29…
Insanity 15 Day Fit Test
Today I had my 15 Day Fit Test! I was really pleased with the results. I did at least the same, if not better on every move. Move Fit Test 1 Fit Test 2 Switch Kicks 86 88 Power Jacks 34 34 Power Knees 80 101 Globe Jumps 7 9 Suicide Jumps 4 5 Push-Up…
2011 Finale
Happy New Year’s Eve! I love this time of year and looking forward to what the next year will bring. I’m making a huge pot of spaghetti for tonight, the sauce has been on since this morning and is in the slow cooker bubbling away. Spaghetti is one of my favourite foods, but only if…
An Insane Christmas (Eve)
Happy Holidays everyone! I bet yesterday was the most unproductive work day for people who actually had to work. I spent the majority of my time in the office doing some testing on our newsletters to get the spam score down. Not a very easy task when your content is all sales, finance and money…
Insanity Day 4
Pure Cardio? I’m sure they mistyped and meant to say Pure EVIL instead. While the workout is only 15 minutes of 15 different moves performed for 1 minute each, it is BRUTAL. I managed to do most of the workout, I took a few breaks so that I didn’t drop dead. 😉 I’ll tell you…
Insanity Round 1 Day 3
Thank god today was Cardio Recovery!! Half an hour of stretching and yoga poses, along with a few core, balance and leg moves thrown in for good measure. I was still sweating at the end of it, but it felt really nice and here’s hoping tomorrow I’m less sore!! I had a nice long soak…
Insanity Round 1 Day 2
There are going to be a lot of Insanity posts over the next 2 months, so apologies 🙂 Today was Cardio Power & Resistance and I have to say, after yesterday’s Plyometrics, it wasn’t as brutal as I was expecting, but was still brutal enough! A lot of squats, which I love so those didn’t…
Insanity Round 1, Day 1
They definitely got the name right with this one. It is insane. I see why people get results with it, though. It is the definition of tough, just look it up I’m sure there will be a photo of Sean T right there… 😉 I did it, though. I got through the whole thing and…