Insanity Round 1, Day 1

They definitely got the name right with this one.

It is insane. I see why people get results with it, though. It is the definition of tough, just look it up I’m sure there will be a photo of Sean T right there… ๐Ÿ˜‰

I did it, though. I got through the whole thing and honestly? I’m really proud of that. I had to stop a few times – ok, quite a few times, I think I might not have done a whole circuit from wanting to die at one point… but I pushed through and got there.

It gave me the same feeling I get when I run longer than I have before. It’s an emotional release when you know you’ve pushed yourself further than ever and have accomplished something you thought was impossible.

It’s the best feeling in the world.

I can’t wait until it gets easier, I know it will I just have to keep doing it every day until I’m done. That’s not so hard ๐Ÿ™‚

I did my beginning stats last week (before all the Birthday Shenanigans) and here they are:

Date: 12/12/2011

Fit Test 1

  1. Switch Kicks: 86
  2. Power Jacks: 34
  3. Power Knees: 80
  4. Power Jumps: 29
  5. Globe Jumps: 7
  6. Suicide Jumps: 4
  7. Push-Up Jacks: 4
  8. Low Plank Obliques: 26

My next fit test will be Jan 2nd, the day before I return to work in the new year. If I can manage to improve and see a loss of pounds and inches over the holiday period it will be impressive. Christmas and New Year’s I don’t usually go overboard too much, especially with food. I choose to splurge for my birthday instead, it just doesn’t help that it’s right before Christmas!