Tag: Fitness
Feelin’ Good: Brief summary of week 1…
My new schedule has gone really well this week. I find it much easier to wake up at 5.30am than later, probably due to my sleep cycles, but it’s not been a problem. I got out of bed between 5.30 and 5.45 every morning this week! My routine consists of: Downing some .50 calibre Grenade…
Changing engines in flight
If I need motivation or inspiration my first port of call is usually Tumblr. It’s like a library of whatever you need right there. It doesn’t matter what I’m trying to find or inspire myself to do, you can find it there. I’ve been using it a lot lately, as a much needed source of…
Since I’m not religious or Christian, I don’t celebrate Easter (Happy Easter to you if you do!) but I find this time of year a good time for renewal. The past few weeks I’ve been battling lethargy, emotional bursts and just plain ol’ feeling crap. Some probably due to my lack of any proper exercise…
The Time to Hesitate is Through
It’s been 16 days since I’ve done any exercise now, so my recovery time from Insanity is done. During Insanity I was doing more exercise than I’ve ever been used to doing, and it felt amazing and had more benefits than I realised, the linch pin was stabilising my mood. I noticed it a little…
WTF am I doing?
I started the second month of Insanity today. Fit Test and Max Interval Circuit. This is why they call it “Insanity”. Oh. My. Fucking. God. Admittedly, I struggled through the Fit Test. It took me ages to get my breath back between each move. But my results were good. 🙂 Move Fit Test 1 Fit…
Insanity Round 1 Day 2
There are going to be a lot of Insanity posts over the next 2 months, so apologies 🙂 Today was Cardio Power & Resistance and I have to say, after yesterday’s Plyometrics, it wasn’t as brutal as I was expecting, but was still brutal enough! A lot of squats, which I love so those didn’t…
Insanity Round 1, Day 1
They definitely got the name right with this one. It is insane. I see why people get results with it, though. It is the definition of tough, just look it up I’m sure there will be a photo of Sean T right there… 😉 I did it, though. I got through the whole thing and…
Insane in the Membrane
I’ve made this INSANE decision to do Insanity, the Beach Body workout programme. I’ve heard about it and looked at it a few times but never really committed, but now I’ve decided why not. It’ll challenge me and push me like nothing else and I’ll be stronger and healthier at the end of it at…
Workin’ It Out
This Autumn has been BLAH. Since the start of October I’ve been feeling run down and not very energetic at all. My throat’s been somewhat scratchy and I have constantly felt like I’m coming down with something. My mood, however, has been alright. We’ve been super busy, going away almost every single weekend so I…