If I need motivation or inspiration my first port of call is usually Tumblr. It’s like a library of whatever you need right there. It doesn’t matter what I’m trying to find or inspire myself to do, you can find it there. I’ve been using it a lot lately, as a much needed source of inspiration and it’s done a lot of good.
I’m re-learning a lot of things I have kind of forgotten over the past couple of years. The important I’ve learned recently is doing something, anything, is better than doing nothing. I have this ‘all or nothing’ mentality, like a lot of people, when it comes to fitness and diet sometimes. But that’s not right – it doesn’t have to be that way.
I was doing Insanity – as part of Shaun T’s birthday challenge, but my knee was not enjoying it and was telling me to stop. So I had to shift my plan, and while I am a little annoyed at not being able to do Insanity right now, I am doing something else and really enjoying it. It’s not the end of the world! I’m taking care of myself, listening to my body and doing what it needs. And I’m still getting some results!
Doing regular exercise is important to me, it helps immensely with my mood and depression, which is much improved now, and makes me feel good. These are not new ideas; I know they are true. I’m relearning them. That’s what progress is, I think. Relearning things until one day they are a part of you.
I’m jetting off to Ibiza in June, so I have huge amount of motivation in that. I’m thankful for the motivation and also very happy right now. I didn’t let my hurting knee stop me like I would previously. I changed my plan to incorporate something I can do and am still going strong. My plan is still in place and I’m still making progress. That’s all that matters 🙂