Tag: Weight Loss
2021 in a nutshell: Reaching goals then (sugar) crashing
Time flies when you’re having fun, or when you get older, or just in general really. It’s time for another year in review already and I’m incredulous, just like I am every year. So, last year I did a review of 2020 and stated I was only going to make goals for 2021 that I…
2021 – The year of building better habits
I love a good planner, last year I had The Happiness Planner’s daily planner and loved it! Being out of work this year I couldn’t justify buying that again but found a comparable one on Amazon and have everything broken down into yearly, quarterly, monthly, and weekly goals. I think maybe I like the planning…
Fall is Coming! Fall is Coming!
Every year I say the same thing, this is my favourite time of year! September is my favourite month (with the exception of December) because everything happens now as the world turns to winter. 🙂 I am off on holiday soon, too. I’m hoping for a lot of sea, sand, sun and shutting off everything…
There went that!
All my noble intentions for this week got told off when I woke up with a sore throat Wednesday which quickly turned into the flu. So after 48 hours of fever, aches, the worst headache in the word and a sore throat, I’m finally feeling a little bit better – the fever has broke anyway…
Frustration, party of one?
That’s me! I am so unbelievably-can’t-even-put-into-words excited about going on holiday Thursday. I haven’t had any (substantial) time off work since New Year’s so a break is more than needed, especially after the insane 3 months I’ve had. It feels like I haven’t looked up from my monitors at work in absolute ages, and that’s…
Like a Rollin’ Stone
This week has been hectic and so very tiring! It always is when you return from being off for a while. I started the week off with a trip to Belfast which went well. The meeting was great, it’s always fun to go and see how inspiring our Directors are for our brokers. So much…
Sweet Potato FTW
Day 1 of my 4 days off this week went well. While I don’t think I completed anything yesterday it was a good day all around. I was up early waiting for a package which finally turned up at half 11. I got this dress from asos.com: I love it. 🙂 I watched a lot…
Bank Holiday FTW!
One of the wonderful perks of living outside of the US is that today is a holiday! Over in England we aren’t robbed of our New Year’s Day (or Christmas Day) holiday just because it’s on a weekend! <3 So, 3 days into the New Year and I have to say nothing feels new yet.…
Post Holiday Lull
I am so very tired. Our holiday was lovely. The villa was nice and the pool was huge. We were pretty much in the middle of nowhere, but still only 10 minutes away from civilisation, if we wanted. Turns out we didn’t! We only went out twice during the week, then spent the day we…