Category: Health & Beauty
I feel the good times coming
Hey lovelies! It’s been a while and I’m sorry! But I’m here to give a quick update. I’m feeling a lot better. I have been on my second round of iron tablets and they’ve done the trick! I’m almost done with them and then back to see the doc, but all should be okay then.…
Sitting, Waiting, Wishing
My last update was a bit dreary wasn’t it? It feels like forever ago! I’m glad to say I’m feeling somewhat better now. I had some advice from my cousin after my last post; she recommended B12 so I started taking a time release tablet and it made a massive difference! (Thanks cuz!) I’m going…
The Day in Pictures
I’m thankful that I have some pretty amazing bosses and I have the flexibility to not only work 10-6 instead of 9-5 but that since the house move and my commute being tripled, I’m able to work from home one day a week. Usually I’m home on Tuesdays, unless I need to be home another…
Self Care: Be good to yourself.
Everyone needs to take care of themselves. Some people may find it more difficult than others, some may not do it at all, and others, like me, learn the importance of it through their experiences. When I was younger and living on my own I used retail therapy as a form of self care. Buying…
Purple today, gone tomorrow
We all know I like to change it up rather frequently when it comes to my hair. Cut or colour, I’ve pretty much had everything under the sun! Last month I went purple. I was going for the pastel, lilac colour so my stylist just covered it in straight purple dye. It came out pretty…
Travel Wardrobe
With my upcoming trip to the States I’m always thinking about outfits that will be good to travel with. I like to travel light (Hubby may disagree slightly, but I’m not that bad really!) so I try to take the necessities and as little as I can get away with of anything else. When we…
Happy Autumn!
I love a good bank holiday weekend. Life has gotten pretty busy the last month and this past weekend was one of two weekends we have free until November 7th. Crazy! I personally revelled in having no plans. We were possibly going to see friends but they weren’t feeling great which meant we had absolutely no plans…
Lahndahn, baby!
If you read the previous post then you know last week was my 10th wedding anniversary and I have the best husband (and friends) in the world. After the madness that was last week and the whole present situation (which I’m still shocked by, for real though) we spent the weekend in London, just the…