Tag: womb cancer
5 years and all clear, but now what?
Content Warning: Whilst yes, it’s good news that I’ve had the five year all clear after my cancer, this update comes with a warning: this post isn’t celebratory. If you’re expecting a good news, positive vibes update, this isn’t it.
Coping with grief when you’re okay is weird
It’s Autumn and if you’ve stuck with me through the years you’ll know that it’s my favourite season. The temperatures are just starting to cool off slightly and today it was foggy this morning – and I do so love a foggy morning! In this post I talk about cancer, suicide, and childlessness so if…
Getting outside of your comfort zone is good for you, right?
Anyone that knows me well enough knows the thought of doing any kind of public speaking terrifies me. There’s a reason I have a blog and don’t do videos – I’m not comfortable in front of a camera and writing is definitely my forte. So when an opportunity came up to share my childless story…
One of the bad weeks (plus a cancer update!)
I’ve just realised I have a draft from a couple months ago that I still haven’t finished or posted which I obviously forgot about! Oh well. You get this one instead. This week has been utter shite. 90% of that is down to hormones because ovaries suck – I still have my cycles I just…
The importance of speaking up for yourself
Today I had my 18 month post-hysterectomy cancer check up! Everything is all okay and I’m doing great. I have noticed in recent weeks a few things that with my appointment coming today I decided to ask about. I realised I’d stopped having any PMS symptoms, which was the only way I could track my…
What up, 2019?
I had 11 days off over Christmas and New Year! I usually love taking that time to reflect, plan, and look ahead at the coming year. This time I did a tiny bit of that, but mostly I slept, watched telly, played video games, cooked food, and basically did as little as possible. I obviously…
261 Days
Today is 261 days since my cancer diagnosis. I don’t know why but it seems a lot longer than that! Today is also 31 days since my hysterectomy. It seems shorter than that somehow! Today I had my follow up for my op and my consultant asked how I was getting on, I told him…
4 weeks post op already!
My lack of activity over the last month made it seem like it has dragged on but in reality I’m already two thirds of the way through my 6 weeks of recovery! My follow up appointment is this week so I’m hoping for good news on the cancer front and also good news on when…