I’m home for what feels like forever and it’s only week 3 and I’m already tired of watching telly and sitting on the sofa and I have another 3 weeks of this?!
I have a stack of books to read, which I’m thankful for. I’ve already read Alice by Christina Henry, which I loved. It’s pretty dark and very violent, but an interesting take on the different characters from Alice in Wonderland. It’s definitely not for the faint of heart, but I really enjoyed the twisted world she created. I’m currently making my way through Successor’s Promise by Trudi Canavan. I discovered Trudi’s books after I moved to the UK and have read everything she’s written. The worlds of magic and all the politics and intrigue that go with them are always entertaining.
I’m also working through Life Without Baby by Lisa Manterfield. It’s designed to help people like me, childless not by choice. There are writing exercises to help you come to terms with it and moving forward to create your new vision of the future. I’ve only got through the first part so far, which I don’t think I needed much help with given my circumstances (I already made the decision and have ‘drawn my line in the sand’) but it is cathartic to write things down and acknowledge it. I’ve also started Living the Life Unexpected by Jody Day. It’s along the same lines as the Life Without Baby and I’m taking it one bit at a time.
This week was the first time I’ve actually listened to music. Not driving means I don’t get much music these days and as much as I love music, I missed it! I’m enjoying Taylor Swift’s new album, Reputation! I’ve changed up the music on my phone tonight and I want to create a feel good playlist, something I know I’ll love and will cheer me up when I’m feeling low.
As for television. I’ve watched The Red Tent miniseries and liked it. I can’t remember much from the book which I did read years ago; I may re-read at some point so I can compare. I started Season 3 of Outlander but haven’t continued it yet. I’ve been alternating between Breaking Bad and Gilmore Girls for the last week. Unpopular opinion: Breaking Bad is boring. I’m still waiting to see why everyone loves it so much. We’ve been watching the newer Red Dwarf as well! I have loads of other stuff to watch too but sitting all day and just watching telly and reading is taking its toll a little bit.
I have made a list of some yoga poses that are safe for me to do after a hysterectomy and may start doing those this week, to ease back into doing something. I’m doing a little bit more around the house, putting food in the oven etc, but still not doing any proper cleaning or any lifting. I’ve been out walking more this week, a little bit longer each time and I’m still feeling good for it! I’ve made a plan to add the yoga next week and what my step/mile goals will be the next few weeks so I don’t overdo it but am still working up to what I used to do.
Milestones for this week? Three more stitches came out (they are dissolvable stitches so come off when they are ready) and I started taking my vitamins again. I’m still waiting for the third week to be worse than the first two – but I’m feeling better every day so I’m thankful for that! So far recovery has been very uneventful and on track. I know everyone is different but with everything I read from people that went through it before I had my op I thought it would be so much worse. I’m always one to prepare for the worst and then if it’s not that bad I’m okay with that!