Today is 261 days since my cancer diagnosis. I don’t know why but it seems a lot longer than that!
Today is also 31 days since my hysterectomy. It seems shorter than that somehow!
Today I had my follow up for my op and my consultant asked how I was getting on, I told him and he’s happy with my recovery. He’s cleared me for everything with the warning to go slow and work back up to what I’m used to for exercise and other things. I go back to work on Dec 11, so still have a week off to prepare myself for that (thank goodness!).
The histology following my op was interesting, there were some other things they found and there were still a large number of atypical cells in my lining but the most important message was this:
I do not need any further treatments other than follow up appointments, pretty standard for cancer patients and otherwise I’m all good.
It’s been the longest 261 days ever and the longest 2 years ever if I’m honest. With so many health issues going on the last couple of years I can honestly say I physically feel a million times better right now than I have in the past 2 years!
I am feeling pretty happy, relieved, and blessed.