Tag: weigh in
That Time Again
Work is crazy busy right now, which is helping to keep my mind off other things and a very welcome distraction. I’m making an effort to get to the gym 20 times this month, which now means I can’t skip any days!! But I’m determined to actually stick to something I say I am going…
Wednesday Weigh In Time
Weight: 221.4 lbs This is almost a 2 pound loss from last week, which was my weigh in with my doctor and was a gain of 3-4 pounds. The good thing out of that appointment was I got some concrete help rather than ‘just keep doing what you’re doing’ and that was a relief. And…
Week of Crazy (and maybe a weigh in!?)
Hey… this week has been a bit busy and more action-packed than the last few for me, which is a good thing! We got our new mattress on Saturday and oh man, it is LUSH. I love it so much, if I weren’t already married to my wonderful Hubby, I’d totally be marrying my amazing…
Wednesday Weigh In
Oooh, it’s the first Wednesday of 2011! I mentioned before that I weighed myself finally on Saturday. Well when I weighed on Saturday I was 221.2 lbs. Not a great start to the year by any means, but I’ve been sick for 3 weeks and done nothing but lay down and drive myself crazy in…
Wednesday Weigh In
Let’s just get this over with shall we? Weight: 217.6 Granted, on Sunday I was 219.8 after returning home from Mallorca. So all in all it’s a loss, but still a gain… I’m working on it and will head to the gym every night this week. Next week will be better!
Wednesday Weigh-in
Hey hey hey, it’s Wednesday and I actually weighed myself this morning! My last weigh in was Aug 29th, a week and a half ago and I was 215.8 lbs. Today I was 213.8 lbs. Down 2 lbs. Result! Last night was a good night out with all the peeps at work, our team won…
Well Hello Friday!
I have been loving the short weeks I’ve had the last 3 weeks. I definitely think 4 day work weeks are the way forward. It will bring more balance to everyone’s lives. Think about it people! I am still working on my mega post, I need to sort out photos which I’m hoping to do…
Wednesday Weigh In
I know I’ve been MIA recently and that’s mainly because I’ve been incredibly stressed out and also avoiding my scale. But today it was unavoidable as I had my regular weigh in with my doctor. When I stepped on the scale last night to see what I was dealing with I wasn’t expecting what I…
Wednesday What?!
Today is Wednesday. I totally haven’t weighed myself. Bad oceanchica! Truth is, I completely forgot. I keep having to remind myself what day it is, because honestly, I totally have no clue. This week is just strange. I’m kind of avoiding the scale this week. I’m still fighting this darn cold, I’m nearly 100% but…