Category: Depression

  • Overwhelmed


    (Warning: there’s a lot of sarcasm in this post!) I’ve been working so hard at trying to stay positive that maybe I’ve lost track of processing everything. Or it’s the side effects of my meds. Either way… today I was fine, until I wasn’t. Whether it’s the progesterone wreaking havoc, I am starting to notice…

  • Feeling lost

    It’s been a while. I’m not going to say I’m back now, but I want to be. Yes, there’s a difference between those things. I haven’t felt well for a couple months now. And for once, it’s not related to my mental health, although it’s now starting to affect it. I managed to get a…

  • Being supportive to those with depression

    For some people it can be difficult to understand what someone with depression goes through. I get that, it’s hard sometimes to empathise with others when you haven’t experienced what they are dealing with yourself and that can be tough for friends and family of someone dealing with depression or any mental illness. My biggest…

  • The Day in Pictures

    The Day in Pictures

    I’m thankful that I have some pretty amazing bosses and I have the flexibility to not only work 10-6 instead of 9-5 but that since the house move and my commute being tripled, I’m able to work from home one day a week. Usually I’m home on Tuesdays, unless I need to be home another…

  • Self Care: Be good to yourself.

    Self Care: Be good to yourself.

    Everyone needs to take care of themselves. Some people may find it more difficult than others, some may not do it at all, and others, like me, learn the importance of it through their experiences. When I was younger and living on my own I used retail therapy as a form of self care. Buying…

  • Thoughts

    I may seem crazy Or painfully shy But these scars wouldn’t be so hidden If you would just look me in the eye I feel alone here and cold here Though I don’t want to die But the only anaesthetic that makes me feel anything Kills inside I do not want to be afraid I…

  • What the hell is going on?

    I love December. I love my birthday, Christmas, New Year’s, the lot. Not this year. I don’t know if it’s remnants of my holiday and missing everyone or what. We haven’t decorated yet and I suggested to my husband today that we not decorate. Or buy a tree. I FREAKIN’ LOVE CHRISTMAS TREES. I am…

  • Worthless.

    I had a night to myself tonight because hubby is out with work partying and having a wonderful time. I would have liked to have gone but as it’s so far away (1.5 hour drive) I wouldn’t have gotten there till late and it’d have been too much hassle. I’m OK with him going out…

  • Missing

    I have been in a weird mood today (and by today I mean Friday, even though it’s now early Saturday). I was a bit snappy at work all day due to stress and not sleeping well last night. My workload is insane at the moment and I desperately need a raise, but never having needed…