Category: Health & Beauty

  • Not so ill anymore!

    Antibiotics, this time, are a good thing! They have actually helped me. I feel great now, which is a nice change, considering I’ve been ill for the past 3-4 weeks! 30 days until my driving test. Eek! I had my first lesson, the “assessment” lesson, on Saturday to see what I need to work on…

  • Lent anyone?

    I did workout Monday night. I did a DVD I haven’t done in nearly a year and am missing the first DVD to so only have the last bit that is the most intense, but I did most of it! I had to skip the resistance bands because I can’t find mine and I skipped…

  • Snow!

    We have had snow the past two days! A couple of inches yesterday which melted away by the afternoon and a dusting this morning which turned into rain and is now a muddy slush. Ah well, it was pretty yesterday! I’ve been reminiscing a lot lately. Most about things I used to do, things I…

  • A New Year’s Lag

    Yes, it’s taken me a month to realize that it’s a new year! OK, so not really, but I’ve been trying to regain some control and routine in my life since the holidays. Just when I thought I had I got sick! So having been off work for the past 4 days I am finally…

  • A New Year’s Lag

    Yes, it’s taken me a month to realize that it’s a new year! OK, so not really, but I’ve been trying to regain some control and routine in my life since the holidays. Just when I thought I had I got sick! So having been off work for the past 4 days I am finally…

  • Another chop!

    Last year at the end of May I did a drastic, drastic thing. I cut my hair. All that hair I cut off was 4lbs!! Well, after a year of growing it out I’ve cut it again!

  • One of those bad times again…

    Jack Johnson is singing “it’s always better when we’re together” to me. Yes, that’s true but I’m sure I could do without the current drama. No details will be shared here, but sometimes lately I wonder if it was all really worth it. Hubby has been somewhat attentive this week and listened to me bitch…

  • More hair talk…

    I think in a month or so I’m going to redye it and then bleach some highlights in. I like the ones I have now, but I’d like something lighter. Because my hair is so dark to begin with bleaching never makes it all that light anyway. It’ll turn out something like a light brown/amber…