Month: September 2009

  • This month just gets better and better.

    And yes, that is complete and utter sarcasm in the title. I’m fighting my usual Autumn depression, due to this being my absolute favourite time of year and missing VB during it. It’s been multiplied by Hubby working late nearly every single night the past few weeks and not getting home until after 9pm most…

  • A New Challenge

    OK. As I mentioned yesterday I made a decision. I decided I was going to enter a race for next year. I started searching for a suitable race to enter, a 10k most likely. Then I found the Bath Half Marathon. Then I decided I would run it. It takes place on Sunday March 7,…

  • What Have I Done?

    I made a huge decision yesterday. More details later, I promise. This quote will be my mantra I’m sure. “Now if you are going to win any battle you have to do one thing. You have to make the mind run the body. Never let the body tell the mind what to do. The body…

  • Overwhelmed

    That pretty much sums up the month of September for me. Hubby’s parents decided to move to Spain, have already sold their house and now have to be out by the end of the month. Hubby’s Gran is also going with them! We had a friend and her two kids round for the weekend last…

  • Aspirations

    Someone asked me if I had thought about writing a book about my experiences living in the UK. I had never considered it really. The idea that people would actually want to read about it is silly to me; most of the time I’m bored by the things I do, I wouldn’t want to inflict…

  • 1 Week On

    I have started the 10K program and did Week 1 Day 2 this morning. I thought about jumping a few weeks ahead but decided it would be safest to start from the beginning and work up to the longer times in the later weeks. I have put all the runs in my diary and with…

  • Randoms from 2001

    I was cleaning out the spare bedroom today and found a shoe box full of all my old journals with loads of poetry and random thoughts from high school, college and beyond. It’s all very interesting to me! One thing I found that I thought was good to share was the list of “Things I…

  • GOYAAM Plan for September

    On SparkPeople I’m a member of a team called Get Off Your *Ahem* And Move (GOYAAM) which is the best team I’ve been a member of, ever. One of the regular activities we do is set a monthly GOYAAM plan, goals we want to achieve during the month, our workout plan, etc. Since I couldn’t…

  • Tangents of an Insomniac.

    As I slept in until noon today I now cannot sleep. Any chance I get to be without routine always ends up the same: sleep all day, party (or in my case, compute) all night. I’ve been like this since high school. My only regret it that I don’t have a lifestyle where I can…