Category: Health & Beauty

  • Holiday Haze

    Remember earlier in the year when I was doing Insanity? My knee and shin just can’t take it and I had to stop a week into the second month. I can handle the first month okay, but the second does some damage and even when I modify I just can’t do it properly. So I…

  • Ways to Love Yourself: The Physical

    Physically challenging acts make me feel really proud: Being able to run longer or faster than I have before. Doing more of an Insanity workout and pushing myself harder. Holding plank longer than I have before. Doing more push ups than I could previously. Using heavier weights that I couldn’t use before. Seeing and feeling…

  • Homestyle Cookin’

    I love winter foods. Stews, chilli, a  massive pot of spaghetti, soups… So this week is all about winter comfort foods. Tonight I made chilli, which I’ve been making for years. Each time I make it something different happens, and I love that about cooking. Being able to bring seemingly random things from our cupboards…

  • Easy Peasy

    This week will be all about easy. My slow cooker will get a lot of use! Chilli, my own ‘mexican mess’ creation, and stew feature on the menu. Weather be damned, I will have winter comfort foods! It may not feel like much of a winter outside thanks to the mild temperatures and rain, but…

  • Victory’s Contagious

    Going back to work is always hard after time off, this past week was no exception! I think I did things in the right order this time, thankfully. So I’m still on track with everything! I started Insanity just after New Year and I’m in the middle of week 2 now. My rest day is…

  • 2014: Looking Forward

    I did do an inspiration board for 2013, but I never did post it. This year I will post my new one! I’ve finished it today, and I think I need a bigger board as I keep wanting to add more to it and it’s filled up! But then that’s probably a good thing that…

  • It’s that time of year!

    I cleared out my wardrobe earlier this year and I’m just realising I got rid of things I could have used this Autumn/Winter! I guess that just means I need to buy new things… 😉 So I’m starting to look out for new jumpers and dresses, tights and a new coat. And boots, always looking…

  • Feelin’ Good: Brief summary of week 1…

    My new schedule has gone really well this week. I find it much easier to wake up at 5.30am than later, probably due to my sleep cycles, but it’s not been a problem. I got out of bed between 5.30 and 5.45 every morning this week! My routine consists of: Downing some .50 calibre Grenade…

  • Leveling up: Domestics

    In my previous post I mentioned planning meals as part of my plan to combat stress over the next few weeks. Yesterday I made our weekly meal plan and I’ve spent some time this weekend baking as well. Spur of the moment yesterday I decided rather than throw another bunch of bananas in the bin…