Tag: inspiration
Cancer Update
Since my post in April I’ve had my 6 month check up following my hysterectomy. Everything is super duper and I’m doing great post op. The oncologist on my case did mention the possibility of getting tested for Lynch Syndrome, probably due to the ineffectiveness of the hormone treatment. I have yet to make the…
Be your own hero
It’s been a tough week on the media front. Maybe it’s been a tough week for other reasons as well. Personally, this week has been a challenge in a few ways. Returning to work after a lovely holiday last week wasn’t too fun, it never is for me. I looked forward to coming home, but…
Everything is awesome!
It’s serendipitous that my operation was when it was so that my recovery was during the last two months of a really crappy year. I’m one of those people that likes thinking of new years as new beginnings in a way, and this year is just so much more than that. Because my recovery has…
I Will…
This week’s been rough; an emotional roller coaster that took me from the highest I’ve been in months to the lowest I’ve been in years. Like I said, rough. But today is a new day. I’m feeling a little better about myself and have the day off to spend with my amazing Hubby. I looked…
Version 1,000,001
Happy Monday, folks <3 I’ve been working on this design, off and on, since New Year! There are still one or two tweaks to do, and some work behind the scenes, but I’m really pleased with how it turned out. It must be the millionth site design Oceanchica.Com has had, but I think it’s one…