Category: Randomness

  • A Good Quote

    On Studio 60 At The Sunset Strip there was a good quote from Harriet, the devout Christian actress, when being interviewed by the journalist doing a story on the show. She was explaining how her mother had cancer and died when she was 15. Before she died Harriet asked her mum why she never ask…

  • Done, Dusted and DRAINED

    I am so very tired. Just the thought of having to do anything that requires me to move hurts. I think I will be going home in 20 minutes and going to bed for a nap! In completely related news, the reason I’m so bloody tired is we got up at 4AM on Wednesday morning…

  • T Minus 5 Days

    In 5 days I will be in Croydon applying for my Settlement Visa. I have everything prepared and am familiar with the process having been there before so am not nervous (yet!). I never like the idea that someone could be having a bad day and decide something isn’t good enough and reject it. At…

  • Yay For Summer!

    Summer has finally arrived in merry old England! This past weekend was absolutely wonderful, sunny, warm, gorgeous! It was so nice that I was actually in a mood to get outside and do some yardwork! I cut the grass and strimmed the edges (without Hubby’s help, lazy bastard!). Then we got out the table and…

  • Hee!

    I did my Life in the UK test on Friday. I studied my arse off for it and then didn’t get any hard questions!! I feel like I was conned out of something because really, most of the questions I actually got were just common sense and isn’t the point of a citizenship test to…

  • The News…

    I’m a bit slow with news as I usually don’t pay much attention to it as it’s all bad anyway so what’s the bloody point? Last week a Hindu prayed at the Senate. This has, OF COURSE, sparked huge debates everywhere. From what I’ve read so far (which admittedly is not a LOT, but is…

  • Tell Me All Your Thoughts On God

    I’m currently reading The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins. By “currently” I mean in between other books (like re-reading HP books before film and new book) and when I have time and/or feel like reading. I’ve been “currently reading” it for a while now! ANYWAY! It’s very thought provoking in my case. I used to…

  • Exhale less please.

    So I went to Live Earth in London this past Saturday. The music was bloody brilliant! The message was good, but I don’t think it made the impact it should have. I could be wrong though, time will tell I guess.

  • ‘Bout Time For An Update

    I have 5 days until my driving test for my UK license! I’m really hoping I pass the first time, it’s not very common in the UK. The test centre I will be taking my test from only has a pass rate of 49%! My prior driving experience will definitely come in handy, but I…