Category: Work

  • Why Bother?

    I’m currently sitting at my desk in my office where there are six, yes that’s right – six, people upstairs. The only phones that have rung have been the IT helpdesk and only from the same two people from what I can tell (and both staff). I am being mostly good and trying to do some…

  • Yay!

    I have lost 10 pounds. I decided to reward myself for this! I bought a new workout DVD 😀 Hopefully it will arrive at my house tomorrow so when I get home I can try it out! Who would have thought one day I’d be excited about working out? I’m away tonight for work for…

  • Rain Rain Go Away

    It has been raining nonstop where ever I am since Friday! I don’t mind rain, in fact I quite like it, but I think I’ve had enough! Especially since yesterday we had a month’s worth of rainfall (as my boss told everyone 5 times!!). I’m ready for some sun. Tomorrow I am going out with…

  • Things.

    I’m in one of my “funks” (I don’t think of it as a mood). Things at work could be better, would be better if I was allowed to do my real (new, wonderful, great) job instead of my old (crap, horrible) job. It’s important for it to get done and I understand it, but that…

  • Ooar.

    Today was a busy day. Yesterday I went away from a meeting with my boss with 9 different projects/items that need doing. Today I managed to touch on all of them and even finish 3-4. We also had a whole office meeting, which was good. I managed to not have a lunch break somehow (I…

  • Tish! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (Sung to the Flash theme)

    My eyelid stopped twitching! It’s all good now. Except for my headache, but I’ve had some ibuprofen so it should be OK. This job is definitely different (read: challenging!). I think it’s because there is just SO MUCH that the CEO and my manager want to do, and rightly so, it needs doing! But it’s…

  • Hallow Dahling!

    Righty-o then! I did say “more later” and so here I am to give it to you! New job: Internet Communication Specialist. WTF does that mean? you ask? Well, basically I’m now working for a new Communications Manager who is in charge of all things communication-wise. Funny that, eh? Basically I’m in charge of what…

  • New Job

    I’m lovin’ it! It’s great, especially to be away from the dark IT corner. =) More later.

  • Wonderful News!

    My director finally told me today that I WILL be changing roles. As of April 1st I will no longer be support of any kind, but a designer of some kind instead! Web/communications/marketing stuff, etc. YAY!