Month: January 2010

  • A Random Photo

    I am kicking off my Project 365 today with this random photo from my first few days in the US, in Virginia Beach. I took it during my run the first day I was there. <3

  • Snowed In

    Today was my first day back at work and due to the snow that has frozen into ice over night, I’m working from home! Hubby is too and it’s always funny when he claims I’m disrupting him when I’m sitting here not making any sounds other than typing and clicking! Working from home or having…

  • Giving Up

    The first monthly challenge of 2010 for me is going to be giving up things. My goal with this challenge is to de-clutter my house, my diet and my life. So here are some things I will be giving up this month: 1. Soda. I drink a lot of water already, but during December (before…

  • Success!

    After we arrived home yesterday Hubby and I pretty much collapsed. I had to have a nap because I couldn’t last until 6pm after being awake since 6am (11am UK time) Monday morning. We ended up ordering Chinese simply because we couldn’t have worked the oven or stove even if we had wanted to. Oh,…

  • Changes

    As I write this I am flying over the Atlantic back home to the UK. Thankfully, this time I have not cried at all at the thought of leaving the US. In fact, I was very much looking forward to leaving the US and going back to the UK. This trip has shown me just…

  • What Will You Make 2010?

    We are still in the US, currently in Maine with my dad and family. Last night we rang in 2010 at our hotel’s New Year party. It was a blast and I’m really glad we came up to see everyone for it. We are currently in the middle of a snow storm, but our area…