Category: goals

  • Success!

    After we arrived home yesterday Hubby and I pretty much collapsed. I had to have a nap because I couldn’t last until 6pm after being awake since 6am (11am UK time) Monday morning. We ended up ordering Chinese simply because we couldn’t have worked the oven or stove even if we had wanted to. Oh,…

  • Goals for 2009

    Today I’m thinking about what I want to accomplish this year. I have a lot of very specific things I want to do but I’m not sure how to set a timeline to measure my progress so, I guess that will come later! Simplify my life. I’ve bought a little weekly calendar to keep in…

  • A New Year’s Lag

    Yes, it’s taken me a month to realize that it’s a new year! OK, so not really, but I’ve been trying to regain some control and routine in my life since the holidays. Just when I thought I had I got sick! So having been off work for the past 4 days I am finally…

  • Saturday’s To Do List

    OK, yes I realize it’s already 3pm! But these are the things I’m going to try to accomplish today (crossed out if done!) in no particular order: Tidy living room (surface clean) At least 2 loads of laundry Kitchen floor/table Put all clean clothes away File all paperwork (UGH) Take the trash out Make a…

  • A New Look

    Things are getting hectic lately. There’s a big project happening at work and my responsibilities are taking a turn (for the better!), it’s nearly the holidays (yay!) and my dad will be over visiting (I can’t wait to see him and spend time with him!) and other general life … things. I went back on…