Category: Geeky

  • American Idol.

    I never was very interested in Idol. I watched the last few eps of the first season, maybe a few from season 2 or 3, but that’s it. I never kept up with it or anything! So a few weeks ago hubby and I actually had our Sky box on and were watching actual TV…

  • Winter has finally arrived, just in time for Spring!

    It’s freezing here and should stay that way for the week apparently. I would like it to snow or get warm, please! The weekend was wonderful. Friday I had off but had to come into work to pick up my iPod that my dad sent me (love you dad!) before heading to Basingstoke for the…

  • A New

    Well I’ve redesigned! This is probably version 6 or so of this website. I cannot believe I’ve been blogging for at least 5 years now. Hopefully this weekend hubby will turn on our old server and I’ll find my backup from before Sep 2005! Anyway, I think everything is working now. *crosses fingers* I did…

  • For My Husband.

    Real Life Fairytale by Plumb You ran around inside my head When you passed out, I felt dead And I realized you make me live And when my world starts to cave in, you jump inside and take my hand No matter where, you are there Will I ever see what you could see in…

  • Muahaha.

    I’ve written two new screeds. Go check them out.

  • I don’t wanna be a stupid girl.

    Do you ever have days where songs sound better because it’s a nice day? I have this all the time on bright, sunny days where the weather is just perfect, music sounds so much better. Clarity by John Mayer is a specific one that always sounds so much more crisp and clear when it’s nice…

  • Gilmore Girls 🙁

    I’ve just watched the last ever episode of GG. Given that only a few weeks ago it was announced they wouldn’t be returning (which I’m livid over! I need time to get used to a world without new GG!) I think it ended nicely and that is saying something as I definitely didn’t want it…

  • Gah!

    My computer broke last night. 🙁 Just turned itself off. It was able to boot, only into safe mode mind, last night, but has since turned itself off completely and won’t boot at all! I was able to back up the most important bits before then thankfully, but grr! at having no computer 🙁 I…

  • Snow!

    We have had snow the past two days! A couple of inches yesterday which melted away by the afternoon and a dusting this morning which turned into rain and is now a muddy slush. Ah well, it was pretty yesterday! I’ve been reminiscing a lot lately. Most about things I used to do, things I…