Month: February 2012

  • Insanity Results

    I have now officially completed Insanity! 2 months of hellish workouts and pushing myself like never before is now over (for now anyway…). This whole programme is amazeballs and Shaun T is one of the best motivators I’ve experienced. He is what made the workouts for me, I don’t think I would have stuck with…

  • Insanity Fit Test 4

    I realised I didn’t post my last Fit Test results when I did it on the 13th! So here they are: Move Fit Test 1 Fit Test 2 Fit Test 3 Fit Test 4 Switch Kicks 86 88 82 76 Power Jacks 34 34 40 49 Power Knees 80 101 110 116 Power Jumps 29…

  • 10 Glorious Days

    Today’s been a bit of a roller coaster. This morning I was wide awake, energetic, the works – even after a night of barely sleeping and lots of pain and soreness from my workout last night. So I made an effort, I did my hair properly – it’s amazing how long it is, I don’t…

  • Proof.

    So I’m working on a new design for the site and as I was going through photos I found a truly horrendous one of myself, taken in 2008, almost 4 years ago. It actually shocked me, because it didn’t look like me. And I realised that even though I’m not losing a ton of weight,…

  • January Roundup

    Well 2012 so far has treated me well. I’m still doing Insanity, on track to finish it this month! I’m loving it, actually. The challenge is pushing me and I love feeling my body tone up from all the work I’m doing. I am beginning to believe that the harder the workouts are the more…

  • Fake it ’til you make it

    Most people have heard this phrase. It could be in relation to just about anything, too. I have a problem with this “advice”: it doesn’t work for me. I faked being happy for a very long time, probably longer than I even know. I knew something was wrong but just ignored it and hoped that…