My in-laws are returning tonight for a few more days, until sometime next week. They stayed with us most of last week then this week have been staying at someone else’s house while they were on holiday.
So I’m currently sat here catching up on my web things and eating popcorn. I did manage to sort through all the washing and have a load in the machine now. I’d have thought that after a month (yes, a month) of not doing laundry there’d have been more than what there is. It looks like the same amount that we do every two weeks. Scary.
I’m annoyed because I can’t seem to find certain items of clothing. Things just disappear and I’m not quite sure where they go! I’m sure they will turn up but it’s a bit perplexing, especially when I saw one them just this morning.
I need to take a bath, tidy the downstairs and get some things ready to pack for the weekend. Yeah, the in-laws are coming and me and Hubby are going! Just for the weekend, but I’m really excited because a) we’re going to the beach and b) we are staying with our dear friend who I’ve not seen since my birthday in December!!! I’m very much looking forward to it, especially after the things that are going on at work. I need a few days to not think about it and let loose a little bit.
I didn’t really want to work out tonight, promise. 🙁 I may try to fit in some time on the treadmill tonight between everything else. I worked out this morning, so at least I did get something in today. I do EA Active on the Wii in the mornings and it’s really good – the best workout on the Wii by FAR and in many ways comparable to some of my exercise DVDs. I have both, the original and More Workouts. More Workouts is my favourite, but they are both fab!