Tag: shopping

  • Autumn!

    Today was a great day. The perfect Autumn day, actually. Sunny, chilly and beautiful. I had my hair done – roots and a trim – finally! Then I went over to Chippenham where I found some brown boots. Not the ones I originally wanted, but other ones, and they were £10 cheaper than the others.…

  • Why is it so hard?

    I need new underwear. Bras, knickers, the lot. I’ve been near constantly surfing the net for the past 2 days to find some that: a) I like b) Are my size c) Are nice and sexy I’ve found a few, but no matter what site it is there are issues ordering! Either it doesn’t like…

  • Happy New Year’s!

    I had today off so decided to do a bit of shopping. I really want a nice, warm, cuddly bathrobe and thought they’d now be on sale. Off to Chippenham I go, first stopping in New Look to have a look at the dresses. They had this little black strapless one that I’ve loved and…

  • Addictions?

    Everyone is addicted to something. I’m addicted to lots of things, most of which aren’t dangerous. The beach, Starbucks (when I’m near one I just have to have one), music, certain TV shows, and occasionally shopping. Shopping! When I lived on my own I went shopping at least once a week. I had the disposable…