That’s about how long there is until my next work party. Can you believe Christmas is only 16 weeks away? This year has gone so fast!

I have loved having such gorgeous weather this summer. It’s been beautiful. But can I let you in on a secret? I can’t wait for Autumn to fully hit. (Okay, so it’s not that big a secret, given my past posts about Autumn being my favourite time of year… 😉 ) You know how much I love the cooler weather, the slightly lighter blue in the sky and the leaves changing, not to mention the sweaters and tights and boots and scarves that come with the cooler weather!

But I digress…

So, what’s this 14 weeks about? I was trying on dresses from my closet just now (as you do…) and I seem to have a lot that I’ve either a) never worn at all or b) have only worn once when I was feeling particularly confident. There are two in particular that I love, both only worn once or twice.

Now, I did dig out and put on my Gok Wan suck-everything-in-and-push-boobs-up slip thing before trying these dresses on because, well, I didn’t want to scare myself. I looked okay in one and the other wasn’t as horrible as I remember either. But I did have on the slip!

Come on, get to the point chica!

The latter of these dresses is a Gap sweater dress I bought years and years ago and only wore during my last trip to the US (3 years ago this December!). Suffice to say I love this dress, it’s a lovely green colour and I really can’t part with it, even though I can’t bear to wear it in public currently. So I took a photo.

Eeek! (and excuse that mess behind me…)

And I made the decision that in 14 weeks (or thereabouts) for my work Christmas meal/party/whatever I will be wearing it.

And I will look better in it than I do in that photo!

It’s so much time so definitely something achievable and something to keep me accountable. I even have the photo as my lock screen wallpaper on my phone, to remind me of my goal and stop me from making any emotional decisions like when I maybe don’t feel like working out or just want to go off the rails for a day.

Notice how I’m not saying I will lose x amount of weight/dress sizes/inches… of course I’ll be measuring those things, but it’s more about how I feel, in the clothes I love, about myself and about my abilities and strength. So while ultimately my goal is to look good in this dress… it’s really about finding the confidence and strength within me and making the positive changes in my life to achieve my goals. Something that I definitely must work on and that is lacking all too often for me.

And I know when I feel confident and good about myself it comes out in all other aspects of my life! But in 14 weeks I’ll be rocking my Gap sweater dress (and all the other amazing dresses I own and never wear).

And on that note I’m off to go workout feeling inspired, motivated and confident I will reach my goal!
