Hey friends! I know, I know. It’s been a while. I’d say I took a small hiatus really. The first half of the year was just so crazy! I needed a rest!! It ended up being a bit longer than I anticipated and I’ve spent the last week mostly in bed with a nasty cold… but I’m feeling better now and I’m back.
I can’t believe it’s September already, this year is going crazy fast isn’t it? Time is just flying by. So to celebrate my feeling better and the fact that Autumn is almost here *yay!* I’m making September my month of action.
Just today I’ve gotten a lot done. I had a tentative list in my head of what I wanted to accomplish today and it juggled a little bit, so I’ve done more than I expected and one thing I haven’t done yet… there’s still time so I’ll see how I feel after this respite.
So I’ve got this picture of how I want this September to go. It looks something like this:
- Working out regularly again.
- Eating clean. (I’m gluten free at the moment as I believe I have an intolerance – more on that later.)
- Working on procrastination. No, not doing more of it, but less! I have all this stuff I’d like to do but always procrastinate.
- Enjoying the outdoors. Hiking, cycling, walking, visiting the coast… more stuff to feed my soul and help me feel anchored and fulfilled.
- Be more confident!
Today I’ve been good at just doing the stuff I need/want to get done and not procrastinating! Some bike maintenance, meal planning and workout scheduling then everything is all set for a ‘Smashing September’!