The last three months have been CRAZY! It’s been non-stop, we’ve had visitors, gone away for an event, or been busy doing something pretty much every free moment. The free weekends we did end up having we basically did nothing at all as we were so wiped out.
Don’t get me wrong, I loved everything I did and all the people we spent time with and met and we had a blast on holiday with our best friend! But man am I tired! It was taking a definite toll on me. I was so run down I had trouble getting up in the morning, concentrating on anything, working out… it was all just too much effort.
Our last weekend away was for London Film & Comic Con, which was a blast, and I’m glad it ended up being not as manic as originally planned due to some guests postponing. That was over a week ago. The past week hubby has been away for work in the States, the longest we’ve been apart since I moved over, and I was a little worried before he went away that I would find it hard on my own. Surprisingly, I didn’t.
I think being tired and just returning from a convention helped. I was able to spend 2 nights alone, recharging and must admit I felt a lot better for it. I planned some visits with friends so I would have something to do during the week, so Wednesday and Thursday spent time with two of my closest friends catching up, which was super lovely. Then Friday I had grand ideas of cleaning the whole house and doing all this stuff, but … well Netflix got in the way ๐
I slept better last week than I have in what felt like years and was glad for the time alone to rest and feel better. I do feel much better now and have finally started working out again today (doing Focus T25, but that’s a horse of a different colour and a post for another day).
I have a lot to write about, Chevron 8, LFCC, some other ideas flying around in my head… and I will get to them. Just know that I’ve been quietly recharging my batteries after the last three months and will soon be back to fighting form!
And I’m not usually one to complain about the weather (more apt to complain about people complaining about the weather honestly) but man, it’s been hot here! I said to hubby last night that “I didn’t move here for this, where’s the rain?!” Granted, I’m glad for all the sunshine and the fact it’s not humid like it always was in Virginia Beach… but sheesh. ๐