My tent arrived today!! I’ve started purchasing things for V Festival in August and seeing as I’ve never been camping or owned a tent or anything like that I’m having to buy everything. I got this one:

I haven’t put it up yet, but that’s a job for tomorrow. I’m waiting for my rucksack and smaller backpack to arrive. I can’t believe I’m going to be camping for 3 nights in a field with thousands of other people. Wild.
Also, my punching bag arrived yesterday!! I spent hours filling the base with 1 bag of sand and making a huge mess in the process and then got it put together.

It’s as tall as me and needs some more sand put in it and we need to move it upstairs, but damn I love it! I’ve got a punching bag. How cool is that? Now I can hit something as often as I want and not destroy things (or myself).
The Dyson is there because I had to suck up all the sand that I managed to pour on the floor. It was like a beach in the hall.
I have a meeting on Tuesday at Curves to have a tour and see about joining. I also had a look into a local MMA/Kickboxing class. What was surprising was the MMA classes are only £3 per class and £4 for the women’s only kickboxing class and you can stay for the next MMA session (directly after the women’s only session) for free.
The past few weeks have been entirely too stressful for me and I was starting to crack under all the pressure. Not that anyone was putting actual pressure on me for anything, but it has been a very difficult time for everyone. With everything that was going on I put my good eating habits on the back burner and didn’t exercise much (or at all for the last 2 weeks nearly).
So I made a workout schedule and am re-committing to my doctor’s 1400 calorie/day rule.
I was starting to feel really crappy and disgusted and have now put a stop to it. Yesterday I ate very reasonably and was pretty spot on calorie wise. Putting together my punching bag was a workout in itself – holding a very heavy bag of sand for nearly an hour is really hard!
Today I was not as great food wise, but could have been much worse so all in all I did okay with the choices I made. Today was a run day, so I ran. I’m taking the option of not exercising off the table. If it’s on the schedule I have to do it. I’m still doing the Couch to 5K program and continued with the day I would be on if I hadn’t skipped any the past 2 weeks. It was tough, mostly because it’s so hot, but I got through it. I even did my last 5 minute run at 6mph (that’s really fast for my short legs) and Paramore kept me going through that one.
All this is really great stuff and I need really great stuff right now to take my mind off the really crap stuff that has happened. But the best bit of all? I have no work for the next 10 days! We booked next week off back in February but it couldn’t have come at a better time.
Monday I’m having a girly day with a friend while Hubby plays games at home. Tuesday I have my meeting at Curves but then it’s a free day. Wednesday we are going to London for the night to see John Mayer and then heading to Brighton on Thursday to spend a few days relaxing on the beach. We come home Sunday and then Monday is a Bank Holiday. I’m really looking forward to not being stressed out for the next week!
So what great news do you have to share?
One response to “Great News”
Hiya Tish,
I love reading your blogs! Sounds like you’re really excited about the festival!! If I were you i would have had the tent up in the garden by now!! You’ve got to make sure all the bits are there!! 🙂
U sound like you’ve done excellent with the stress your work has brought etc, and if exercise is bad for 2 weeks then I’m a really bad girl!! Hopefully this rubbish treadmill will start me off 🙂 You’ll pick up the flow you were on before, everyone has set backs honey…we’re only human x
Anyway looking forward to Monday, and I hope he has your tea on the table when u get home!!
p.s. I’m glad you can come to the girly night!!! xxxx