Tag: furniture

  • It’s been a long road

    Getting from there to here… (I have to apologise, we have been watching Star Trek: Enterprise and I always have the song stuck in my head! Fitting though…) Anywho! We’re in!!!! We got the keys, as planned, on 27th March 2015. We’ve spent nearly every day since then (about a week and a half now)…

  • T-5 days

    So close! On Friday (27 March 2015) we will be (FINALLY) completing and getting the keys to our new house! What does that mean? 5 days until we move 4 days until we have our first peek at what all of our options look like inside 3 days until I pack up our kitchen and…

  • Home stretch

    With so much waiting on our house to be done and my current mood I don’t have many good (happy) ideas to write about right now. With the (hopeful) move date fast approaching we are attempting to plan for the move. So this weekend will be back to packing… all the stuff we don’t need/haven’t…