It’s weird to be writing about cancer with everything else going on right now however, that’s my life right now. It’s always there, even when we are in the midst of a pandemic and life is the least normal it’s probably ever been.
It’s been 1109 days since I found out I had cancer. It’s been 879 days since my hysterectomy which thankfully got rid of all my cancer.
Four weeks ago I had bleeding.
Anyone that’s had a hysterectomy knows that’s a pretty terrifying thing to have when you don’t have the parts that do that anymore. It was only light spotting and only a one off. I managed to keep my head straight and waited to make sure it wasn’t anything worse and decided not to go to hospital. Mainly because I knew if it continued or got worse I could go, and if not I had my follow up in four weeks (today) and my consultant could check to make sure all was okay.
Obviously with everything on lock down right now I didn’t see my consultant in person today. Whilst chatting to him on the phone he’s agreed I’ve done the right thing and if it happens again I need to let him know so I can get seen if needed, otherwise my next follow up is in six months. But both of us think that I’m okay and I feel a little bit better knowing he isn’t freaking about it.
I’ve been bombarded with reminders of how my life will never be the same after I’ve had cancer in the last few months, this is just one of them. It’s made me more anxious than normal and things are just harder. And current affairs being as they are, well… anxiety is aplenty.
Otherwise, I’m working from home, spending time in the hot tub, going out for one walk a day, and trying not to get too lost in my own head – it is my own worst enemy. I love the distractions in the form of keeping in contact with loved ones that have been amazing and supportive and it’s awesome how we are all checking on each other to make sure we are okay.
If you are thinking about someone, don’t wait to say something. You never know when you’ll get another chance.