Looking Back, Looking Ahead


^^ That’s definitely my sentiment right now! And well, if New Year’s Day hadn’t been a hungover blur combined with cloudy skies and high winds, I would have dragged hubby to the shore for a bit so I could get a fix. Next time!

I digress before I’ve even started… Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a lovely holiday (whatever you celebrate) and are looking forward to 2015 as much as I am. 🙂

2014 was a bit … not what I expected. But my fingers, toes, arms, legs, eyes and anything else I can possibly cross are all crossed for our new home being completed next month so we can finally move in! I’d rather not wait another month.

Things are starting to feel not quite so ‘on hold’ and that’s helping. I’m feeling pretty optimistic right now. Even when I can’t sleep and wake up at 5am in tears from work stress and scary things running through my mind, I’m optimistic and hopeful that things go well.

Think positive thoughts right?

Positive Vibes!
Source: pinterest.com/pin/525654587731223373/


This year is going to see a lot of changes!

I’ve already given up alcohol – NYE was the last drink I had for a while. I don’t drink a lot anyway, so that’s not a tough one.

I’ve cut way back on caffeine – no more coffee or soda and I’m drinking chai tea w/ vanilla soy milk at the moment. It’s nice, not nearly as nice as coffee, but it’s a big step down on the caffeine front! Today’s headache could be from lack of caffeine, or sleep, or both!

I’ve started working out again, since the pinched nerve I’ve been wary, but that’s all gone now so no more excuses. I’m starting with walking – lots of walking – and a bit of yoga and some 30 Day Challenges (The Little Black Dress and Squats & Abs specifically at the moment). Every little helps, and I’m focusing on consistency right now – not doing a lot, but doing something each day. I tend to tackle a lot all at once and then burn out, I’m not going to do that this time. I’d like to start running again, but may wait until the move. I figure walking/jogging throughout our new hometown will be a great way to get to know the place!

I’ve done my 2015 Inspiration Board and I’m working on some meal planning tools, which I am going to make available for download! I also designed my own family planner calendar for 2015 and I’ve just sent it off to the printers today. I’m excited to see it in print! So watch this space, I may be making some things available!! 🙂