Last week I realised there was only 6 weeks before heading to Ibiza. The trip was booked in January and I’m really looking forward to it, but admittedly the first few months of this year just did not go like I wanted. But that’s life and we move on.
So, with 6 weeks left to get my act together and find some confidence I planned. I found a 6 week food plan in the latest issue of Fee Good You and thought it was perfect. Based on the rainbow diet it touts you’ll lose a stone and/or a dress size in 6 weeks!
I’m not usually one for fad diets, but reading through it it seems simple enough. You eat a lot of fruit and veg, as colourful as you can get basically, with healthy fats, lean meats and whole grains. Basically the basis of a healthy diet. So I decided I would follow it and see how I get on. Hubby is eating similar things, and the same as me when we eat together so he’s benefiting as well.
So that’s nutrition sorted, what about exercise?!
My calendar has 2 workouts a day on most days for the whole 6 weeks. We are pretty busy for a few of the weekends so those are counted as my rest days when realistically, I’ll still be getting something in, like a lot of walking etc.
I’m alternating between Couch to 5K and cycling in the mornings and then doing cardio or strength training in the evening – usually Insanity or Bob Harper’s Strength Training DVD.
It’s all pretty ambitious isn’t it?
I’m now 5 days in to this plan and things are going good. I may not have done 2 workouts every day – I was so tired Tuesday and Wednesday I fell asleep – and I’ve been sorer than I remember being for a long time, but I feel such a difference. I’ve noticed a difference in how my body looks and how some clothes are fitting me, I have been more positive and forward thinking, and I feel a shift in how I feel about myself.
This week I’ve weighed Monday, Wednesday, and this morning – just to stay on track mind – but so far since Monday I’ve lost 2.2lbs (1kg) and 3% body fat. IN FOUR DAYS. Talk about motivating.
My worry now is while we are away next week in London, not getting the same levels of exercise I’m now wanting to do and eating as healthily as I have been this week. I’m going to work on it! Our hotels have gyms, so I’m definitely going to be packing some gym clothes with me so I can take advantage if I need to.
It’s now 5 and a bit weeks until Ibiza and I have a goal kind of in my head for where I want to be then, but as long as I’m making progress I’m okay with that. 🙂