Winter is coming. And not just the White Walkers from Game of Thrones! 😉
I know I say this over and over on here, but Autumn is my favourite time of year! Before we went on holiday it didn’t really feel like Autumn, the leaves hadn’t really started turning and it was cooling off but not enough. When we returned Autumn was in full force! The wind, rain, cooler temps and leaves on the ground remind me that shorter, colder days are fast approaching and I need to be prepared!
I’m sure you all have your own winter wardrobe staples. I have a few: almost every year I buy a new coat, some boots and a cozy cardigan to snuggle up in and use as a cover up for layering.
I bought two pairs of boots last month and sadly had to send one pair back due to them not fitting.

I kept the black ones and love them. The brown ones had to go back sadly. They are so pretty, though! But I found another pair for half the price that I loved and have on order now.

I was really impressed with Simply Be’s sizing for boots actually. If, like me, you have bigger calves but don’t need wide shoes, it’s really worth a look! Their range is amazeballs.
So that’s me covered for boots. 🙂 I found this chunky cardi from Simply Be that I fell in love with. They do a purple one too, but I wasn’t feeling it so went with the oatmeal.

Only thing left is a coat. I didn’t buy a new one last year so I’m really wanting a new one now! I love bright colours for my winter coats – the short days and dismal weather is dreary enough without adding to it with a dreary coloured coat that will pretty much be the only thing you’re seen in outdoors! I’ve had pink, red, green…
I saw this red one from ASOS today that I loved…

But then I saw this one. And I think it’s the ONE.

I’ve never done yellow before, but I adore this coat and colour. I think I’ll be getting this one to brighten up my winter this year!
And that brings us to today’s outfit. Do you have that one ‘comfort’ outfit? You know the one I mean. The one that you wear when aren’t feeling your best and you just know will be comfy, appropriate and problem-free no matter what? I definitely do. Today was that day for me.
Tunic: Evans (from about 7 years ago)
Leggings: New Look
Boots: Evans (same as black ones above)
You’ll have to excuse my expression, not sure what was going on haha!
So what are your winter staples or comfort items for when you need something comfy and cozy?