Variety is the Spice of Working Out

When I find a workout I really love I become attached. It’s the same with anything – food, music, a place I like to visit, shopping… So when I loved Insanity so much earlier in the year, I knew it would definitely become a part of my regular workout rotation in some form.

What usually happens when you become attached to something? You get bored of it, too. That’s kinda what’s happened with me now. I love Insanity, but I’ve been craving other workouts lately. But I still want to do some Insanity stuff. So I’ve switched it up a bit and started a P90X/Insanity Hybrid workout to give me some variety.

I’m wanting to do more strength training and weights, so this is the perfect opportunity to do the Insanity that I love so much and incorporate weight training into my workout routine. I always love that it doesn’t take long to see a difference when you do weights, your muscles become defined and leaner very quickly, so you are motivated to keep doing it. That positive feedback of seeing results is what I need right now to motivate me and inspire me to keep going.

Switching it up should also keep me from hitting a wall and over the next 3 months I’m sure I’ll love and hate both programmes equally, but just as when I completed Insanity for the the first time, I will feel a sense of accomplishment and know I finished stronger and healthier than I was when I started.

Here’s to a healthy 3 months of strength and fitness! <3