I promised food porn, so food porn there will be! But first, a quick little update.
Phase 1 of SBD is giving me hell this time around. Headaches, lethargy… it didn’t help that it coincided with the worst possible week so I was especially cravey and cranky. But I got through the first week and now we are into the second. I lost 3lbs last week, but I’m pretty sure most if not all of that was water weight, so we’ll see how it goes going forward.
My goals this week were to stick to my diet (so far so good but it’s only Monday) and do Insanity all week. I had good intentions until I got home and had the mother of all migraines where it was all I could do to curl up on the sofa and keep my eyes open through a whole episode of Stargate SG-1! A couple of ibuprofen and a small meal later and my head is better, but it’s too late for me to do Insanity tonight. So either tomorrow or one day this week I will get 2 in so I get my 6 workouts done – I’m out Saturday night and viewing that as my reward for doing all my workouts and sticking to my food this week.
Now onto the food porn…
The good thing about doing a food plan like South Beach and not living in the US is that there aren’t many (or any) diet-friendly convenience/snack foods available. Which means I have to cook, every day. I enjoy cooking and having to come up with creative meals is something my Dad taught me. 🙂
Most of these meals were just 1 or 2 main ingredients, really simple and easy but really yummy.
I made Sausage & Egg cups last night for breakfasts this week. Easy to reheat in the microwave!

Fillet steak with steamed veggies (cauliflower, broccoli, sweet corn). And lots of Worcestershire Sauce. I cant’ help myself.

Since we can have nuts, we’ve been snacking on them! Chilli peanuts, cashews, almonds and wasabi peas in this pot.

Just a basic salad w/ tuna flaked on top. Not very big, but really filling!

Tuna steak and steamed cauliflower. These tuna steaks were massive!! And so delicious.

Saturday night I wasn’t feeling well so made a simple soup. Just black beans and pork w/ a few seasonings.

Last night was Turkey steaks baked with yellow peppers and tomato sauce and sweet corn.

It’s always surprising to me how little you need to make a really delicious meal. With just a few ingredients, some seasoning and imagination you can make the yummiest food!