This week has been really good overall. I stayed on track working out and feel much better for it with just one more workout today to do before I hit my 3500 calories burned goal for the week. Exercise really does make you feel better and improve your mood, I must remember that when I need it most. Other than the horrid soreness from boxing, which I haven’t done in over a year at least, I’m really enjoying exercise again. I haven’t enjoyed it for so long I forgot how great it feels.
I’m so excited to see Alice In Wonderland next week in 3D!! I booked the tickets today to go next Saturday because I’m out on the 5th, which I’m also really looking forward to.
Another thing I’m really excited about is V Festival. The lineup is announced Monday and I get my tickets next week too. This will be my first festival and first time camping properly and Hubby isn’t coming! It’s not until August, but I’m really looking forward to it!
This week I’m finally managing to turn things around and feel better and next week is going to be brilliant. The icing on this good news cake for me is that in 4 weeks time I will be arriving in Spain for a week’s holiday. I can’t wait to have some time off work, sunshine and warmth and to see the dogs and family!
The year totally got off to a horrible start but I’m not going to let it carry on for the next 10 months. There’s plenty of time to turn it around and enjoy everything.