Tag: personal

  • Time

    (Source) I have time this morning that I don’t usually have. Time to wake up properly, at a pace that seems reasonable to me. Time to think, read, connect and enlighten myself. I was reading someone’s website and it occurs to me that I used to be some of the things I see there. Artistic,…

  • A Good Day

    It feels like more and more often I’m having meh days, bad days or just plain ol’ horrible days. Over the past week I’ve felt like I have gotten myself back and you know what? I’ve missed me!! I enjoyed today. Yeah, I was at work and that kinda sucks, but overall I had an…

  • Renewal

    Since I’m not religious or Christian, I don’t celebrate Easter (Happy Easter to you if you do!) but I find this time of year a good time for renewal. The past few weeks I’ve been battling lethargy, emotional bursts and just plain ol’ feeling crap. Some probably due to my lack of any proper exercise…

  • Migraine, Migraine Go Away…

    I’ve been quiet this past week, mostly due to migraines. Both Tuesday and Wednesday it was all I could do to come home from work and get straight into bed: no lights, no sound, just rest and hope the migraine goes away! I’ve been extremely exhausted this week, too. Possibly from overdoing … everything, which…