Category: Personal

  • Lots of freakiness goin’ on.

    So, today is CD20 and apparently I’ve had a thermal shift (I’ve got 2 temps above my CL so far) although the temps aren’t as high as normal. The confusing part is yesterday all day long I had EWCM. So I’m questioning whether I ovulated on time this cycle. I don’t have that much stress!…

  • Darn phones!

    I don’t know anyone in St. Alban’s. So why is someone from St. Alban’s calling me? I need to update the current reading/listening areas over there on the left. I will one day when I have something interesting to put there. I have two, yes TWO, bouqets of flowers and only one vase big enough…

  • The light at the end of the tunnel

    is something I can’t see right now. Someone said to me today that patience will bring me exactly what I want, but that the waiting is so hard. This is so true. I know that I will find a job at some point and it has only been a month so it hasn’t been very…

  • It’s time for a bath.

    Just thought you should know.

  • Work.

    Things seem to be picking up on the job hunt front. Going away will do that. You get busy and then you get busier. Anyway, I am going into Bath tomorrow to see a recruiter. Good luck to me!

  • Weather and other tangets.

    Today it is really cold (I could venture to say ‘freezing’ but won’t, because there isn’t any actual freezing going on outside yet), really dreary, and there’s a little bit of rain. The epitome of English weather! It’s perfect. 🙂 I will make chilli tonight. I wrote yesterday in my LJ that I was in…

  • It’s really cold!

    Today is the first day that I can’t stand to have the windows open because it’s cold outside! I’m sure the clouds and rain have something to do with it, but I am just so happy it’s finally cold out!

  • Umm, yeah.

    1) Grab the nearest book. 2) Open the book to page 123. 3) Find the fifth sentence. 4) Post the text of your sentence in your journal or weblog along with these instructions. 5) Don’t search around for the “coolest” book you can find. Do what’s actually next to you. “A deft twist of the…

  • Job searching sucks!

    The last time I went through this I had just graduated college. After a year I still didn’t have a proper job so I started temping which led me to what I was doing before I moved. Ovbiously I will not be waiting a year to temp this time around as we need the money,…