Today it is really cold (I could venture to say ‘freezing’ but won’t, because there isn’t any actual freezing going on outside yet), really dreary, and there’s a little bit of rain. The epitome of English weather! It’s perfect. 🙂 I will make chilli tonight.
I wrote yesterday in my LJ that I was in a funk. I’m still in the funk, but hoping that this week it will change. Today we will find out if DH can have Friday off (unless the boss puts off saying a definite yes for another day, which I don’t put past him!). I’m so hoping he gets it, we are planning to go to London for the weekend, not to go do anything in particular, just to be away from home and together. I’ve put off getting excited about it because with us things always seem to fall through at the last minute, but I’m really hoping this works out. We both need the time away from all the stress.
Post Secret is great. I have a lot of secrets, I’m thinking of sending one in. I could just skip that part and tell them, though. Maybe one day…