How do you spend your free time? I play games, read, watch telly. All the usual stuff. I’m inclined to say I watch maybe too much telly, but there are so many good things on. That’s no excuse though. I know.
So what am I doing?
I’m always reading a couple of things at a time. That way if I am not in the mood for something, I have something else waiting. Recently I read Felicia Day’s Your Never Weird on the Internet (Almost), which is just as great as I was hoping it would be. If you are a fan of anything Felicia has done you should enjoy it!
I’m currently reading a few things:
- The Girl in the Spider’s Web (Millennium Series) by David Lagercrantz (continuing with Stieg Larsson’s series)
- Arena Mode by Blake Northcott
- 59 Seconds: Think a little, Change a lot by Richard Wiseman
I got hooked on the Millennium Series recently and flew through reading all of the previous books before the last one was released. The plot line is super predictable, but I still really enjoy them.
Arena Mode was a freebie on Amazon’s Prime Day. I haven’t gotten that far into it yet, but what I’ve read so far is promising.
59 Seconds was another freebie. I’ll admit I haven’t chosen that one for a while as I’m engrossed in the others. But I’ll return to it soon.
I’m back into World of Warcraft now and have started a few new characters. I’m now spoilt for choice when I log in!
Plague, Inc. is the newest addition to my Steam library. Sometimes I feel a little bad that killing the whole human population is so rewarding. 😉
I’ve been watching American Horror Story, finally. I finished the second series today at lunch time. I have to say, the Asylum series was a bit boring… I hope the third series is more like the first.
We finished Falling Skies last night. It was a good ending I thought. I think if it had gone any other way people would have been pretty pissed, though. The defeat was a bit underwhelming in my opinion, but it did the job.
We watched the first episode of Mr Robot the other night. I have no clue what to think about that yet, but I still love Christian Slater. <3
Doctor Who has started again and hey ho true to tradition I watched it Sunday morning on iPlayer while extremely hungover. I miss Matt Smith’s Doctor and don’t care for Missy as a character or plotline, wherever that is leading. I feel so disappointed since Capaldi has started. The Day of the Doctor got me really excited about what direction future series may take and that is not at all what is happening.
I’ve recently added Ellie Goulding to my rotation. I’m not sure about that decision yet though. I like her singles, but the rest of her songs don’t really do much for me.
I have a playlist on my phone just called ‘girls’ that’s basically all female singers. It’s full of Paramore, Taylor Swift, Meghan Trainor, Meghan Tonjes, Metric, Ella Eyre, and Ellie Goulding. Girl power!
But what I’ve been listening to the most, on my commute to and from work, is Adventures in Roommating, a podcast with Meghan Tonjes and Keith Battista. So good. It’s also the reason my American accent has come back in force. Eek!